Boat Hoist Checklist

Midwest Sailing Pre-Purchase Boat Hoist Checklist

Access to waterfront:

  1. Through yard
    • Space between objects?
    • Grade of land?
  2. Distance from road to drop off point or waterfront?
  3. Stairs to lake?
  4. Easement accessibility?
  5. Launch site proximity?


  1. When facing the lake are you facing North, East, South or West?
  2. Beach – gradual transition from grass to sand to water, or other?
  3. Breakwall
    • Poured concrete, wood or rocks?
    • Depth of water at breakwall?
    • Height of breakwall above the water?

Lake bottom:

  1. Consistency?
    • Muck  Gravel  Sand ?
  2. Same throughout or sporadic?
  3. How far do you sink in to the bottom? Or is it firm?

Hoist characteristics and placement:

  1. What type of boat will be moored at the dock? Runabout, Deck-boat, Pontoon, Sailboat, Jet-ski, other?
  2. Will it be on a hoist?
  3. Position relative to end of dock?
  4. Which side of the dock while facing the shore as if driving onto the hoist from the lake?
  5. Width and length of boat?
  6. Weight of the boat?
  7. If considering a canopy how much over-hang do you want? Please note that assembly is required on-site.

Important Note: We require axles to remove or install a hoist especially if this is to be an annual affair performed by us.

Delta hoist thoughts:

  1. Because of the triangular shape of this hoist we suggest adding a section of dock that runs perpendicular to the main dock. This puts you on the dock to crank the boat up.
  2. Sailboaters. If you are placing a sailboat on a Delta we recommend an auger/tiedown kit.
  3. Sailboaters. If you are exposed to high winds and or you are adding leveler legs, thus raising the back of the hoist off of the lake bottom we recommend a set of stabilizers.


  • Access to electricity?
  • Map to site?