Greetings from the Interlake Fleet at Portage Yacht Club on Portage Lake. We hope that you’ll join us for some competitive racing, simply fun sailing, and great comradery.
Latest News:
- The Club again has a rental Interlake at its moorings for those without a boat that would like to try sailing at Portage Lake and even try racing too.
Racing Schedule:
- Thursday evenings mid-May thru mid-Sept. Warning signal at 6:30, with multiple races, usually followed by a social time afterwards on shore.
- Weekends – Casual practice racing and learning. This a sign-up series with emailed notices, and operates when it’s likely the wind and weather may cooperate for those on the list who would be emailed prior to the weekend. stating the day and time.
Fleet History:
- The Interlake has been sailed on Portage Lake since the early 70’s. The Interlake Fleet has hosted the nationals 4-5 times over the years, and annually hosts a fall invitational regatta. Fleet members from time to time travel to regattas off the lake including the Nationals.
Aside from all the on the water activities the Fleet members enjoy hanging out after the races at the club to socialize.
We hope you’ll join us on the starting line this season.
Contact: The club office at [email protected]
- Fleet Roster
- Race Schedule
- Silver series race notice
- Silver sailing Instructions
- Fall Regatta race notice
- Boating Links