Midwest Sailing Pre-Purchase Boat Hoist Checklist
Access to waterfront:
- Through yard
- Space between objects?
- Grade of land?
- Distance from road to drop off point or waterfront?
- Stairs to lake?
- Easement accessibility?
- Launch site proximity?
- When facing the lake are you facing North, East, South or West?
- Beach – gradual transition from grass to sand to water, or other?
- Breakwall
- Poured concrete, wood or rocks?
- Depth of water at breakwall?
- Height of breakwall above the water?
Lake bottom:
- Consistency?
- Muck Gravel Sand ?
- Same throughout or sporadic?
- How far do you sink in to the bottom? Or is it firm?
Hoist characteristics and placement:
- What type of boat will be moored at the dock? Runabout, Deck-boat, Pontoon, Sailboat, Jet-ski, other?
- Will it be on a hoist?
- Position relative to end of dock?
- Which side of the dock while facing the shore as if driving onto the hoist from the lake?
- Width and length of boat?
- Weight of the boat?
- If considering a canopy how much over-hang do you want? Please note that assembly is required on-site.
Important Note: We require axles to remove or install a hoist especially if this is to be an annual affair performed by us.
Delta hoist thoughts:
- Because of the triangular shape of this hoist we suggest adding a section of dock that runs perpendicular to the main dock. This puts you on the dock to crank the boat up.
- Sailboaters. If you are placing a sailboat on a Delta we recommend an auger/tiedown kit.
- Sailboaters. If you are exposed to high winds and or you are adding leveler legs, thus raising the back of the hoist off of the lake bottom we recommend a set of stabilizers.
- Access to electricity?
- Map to site?